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Auto Approval: Toggle on/off. Shuriken will auto-approve tokens for sale after a buy. Max Buy Tax: Set max buy tax threshold. Shuriken will reject buys if this threshold is exceeded. Max Sell Tax: Set max Sell tax threshold. Shuriken will reject Sells if this threshold is exceeded. Max Slippage: Set max slippage. Shuriken will only process txns that require slippage equal to or less than your set value. Priority Gas: By default, Shuriken sets prio gas to suggested. WIth this setting, Shuriken will auto-set your priority gas for you. Click the priority button to switch to custom options for both Priority and Max gas fees.
Auto Approval: Toggle on/off. Shuriken will auto-approve tokens for sale after a buy. Max Buy Tax: Set max buy tax threshold. Shuriken will reject buys if this threshold is exceeded. Max Sell Tax: Set max Sell tax threshold. Shuriken will reject Sells if this threshold is exceeded. Max Slippage: Set max slippage. Shuriken will only process txns that require slippage equal to or less than your set value. Priority Gas: By default, Shuriken sets prio gas to suggested. WIth this setting, Shuriken will auto-set your priority gas for you. Click the priority button to switch to custom options for both Priority and Max gas fees.
Confirmations: Toggle on/off confirmation messages. Turn off to improve execution speed by avoiding confirmation messages for your txns.
Auto Buy: Toggle on/off autobuy.
If toggled on, you can set a value and wallet(s) so that anytime you paste in a token address, the selected wallets will auto-buy the pasted token immediately using the set value under Auto Buy Amount
Buy Priority: Set default priority gas for buying on SOL Buy Slippage: Set default slippage for buying on SOL Preset Buy (SOL) Values: Set custom buttons for quick select in the simple view Sell Priority: Set default priority gas for selling on SOL Sell Slippage: Set default slippage for selling on SOL Preset Sell (%) Values: Set custom buttons for quick select in the simple view
Auto Approval: Toggle on/off. Shuriken will auto-approve tokens for sale after a buy. Max Buy Tax: Set max buy tax threshold. Shuriken will reject buys if this threshold is exceeded. Max Sell Tax: Set max Sell tax threshold. Shuriken will reject Sells if this threshold is exceeded. Max Slippage: Set max slippage. Shuriken will only process txns that require slippage equal to or less than your set value. Priority Gas: By default, Shuriken sets prio gas to suggested. WIth this setting, Shuriken will auto-set your priority gas for you. Click the priority button to switch to custom options for both Priority and Max gas fees.
Confirmations: Toggle on/off confirmation messages. Turn off to improve execution speed by avoiding confirmation messages for your txns.
Auto Buy: Toggle on/off autobuy.
If toggled on, you can set a value and wallet(s) so that anytime you paste in a token address, the selected wallets will auto-buy the pasted token immediately using the set value under Auto Buy Amount
Mev Enabled: Toggle Mev on and off (we recommend you keep this on)
Auto Slippage: Either check the box on the left to turn on Auto Slippage or type in your own custom slippage you would like to use in the field on the right.
Anti-Rug Bribe: Add a bribe to your antirug txns to improve your odds of frontrunning
Auto Approval: Toggle on and off auto-approval after any buy (recommended to leave on)
Set custom gas buttons for quick buys
Box 1 (dynamic): Set how much extra prio gas you would like to dynamically add to blocknative's suggested 99% probability prio with the dynamic fast gas setting Box 2 (Custom 1): Set a static custom priority gas setting for custom box 1 Box 3 (Custom 2): Set a static custom priority gas setting for custom box 2
Default: Choose which of the above gas options are selected by default when setting up a quick buy
These settings will show as quick gas settings in the buy section of the Quick Order Component
Set custom ETH amount buttons for quick buys Each box will be a quick button option when setting up a quick buy
Default: Choose which of the above ETH options are selected by default when setting up a quick buy
Max Buy & Sell Tax: Set threshold to avoid high tax on token launch. Input a % in the buy and sell fields and Shuriken will only snipe if launch tax is equal or less than your determined threshold. Snipe Bribe: Set your default bribe.
First or Fail: Set First or Fail to be default on or off.
Set custom gas buttons for quick sells
Box 1 (dynamic): Set how much extra prio gas you would like to dynamically add to base prio with the dynamic fast gas setting Box 2 (Custom 1): Set a static custom priority gas setting for custom box 1 Box 3 (Custom 2): Set a static custom priority gas setting for custom box 2
Default: Choose which of the above gas options are selected by default when setting up a quick sell
These settings will show as quick gas settings in the sell section of the Quick Order Component
Max Fee: Set default static max fee for all swaps Max Prior: Set default static priority fee for all swaps Gas Limit: Set default static gas limit for all swaps Auto Slippage: Toggle on/off auto-set slippage. With this setting your slippage will auto adjust based on what is required to complete your txn. Custom Slippage: Set default static slippage for all swaps. Degen Mode: Removes confirmation message when you submit a buy order. MEV Enabled: Toggle MEV on/off. It is recommended to keep this setting on to protect yourself from sandwich attacks and remove risk of lost fees on fails.
Auto Approval: Auto approve your tokens for sale after you buy a token.
Buy Max Prior: Set default static priority fee for all buys.
Amount Out: Set default handling option on max limit buys.
- Guaranteed
: For the ETH value you input, get as many tokens as possible.
- Max or Revert
: Target the token's max txn amount. If your ETH in is insufficient for max, your txn will revert.
Default Snipe: Default ETH in value for snipe tasks.
Default Wallets: Default wallets that will be auto-selected for snipe tasks.
Snipe Bribe: Default bribe amount for snipe tasks.
First Bundle Only: Toggle on/off default to first bundle only.
If set, your snipe will go through if you are the first bundle included, if not you will revert.
Max Buy Tax: Set default threshold for buy taxes on snipe. If taxes are higher than your threshold on token launch, your txn will revert.
Max Sell Tax: Set default threshold for sell taxes on snipe. If taxes are higher than your threshold on token launch, your txn will revert.
Sell Max Prior: Set default static priority fee for all sells.
Auto-create anti-rug: After every buy task is completed, anti-rug will automatically apply to your position. Bribe on anti-rug: Toggle bribing for anti-rug. Anti-rug Bribe: Choose how much ETH you want to bribe to improve your chance of a successful anti-rug txn. Anti-rug Max Prior: Set default static priority fee for all anti-rug txns. Max Buy Tax: Set a trigger for anti-rug to execute if buy tax exceeds your inputed threshold. Max Sell Tax: Set a trigger for anti-rug to execute if sell tax exceeds your inputed threshold.
Confirmations: Toggle on/off confirmation messages. Turn off to improve execution speed by avoiding confirmation messages for your txns.
MEV Protection: Toggle on/off MEV protection to protect from sandwich attacks.
Auto Buy: Toggle on/off autobuy.
If toggled on, you can set a value and wallet(s) so that anytime you paste in a token address, the selected wallets will auto-buy the pasted token immediately using the set value under Auto Buy Amount
To open Settings in the webapp, click the icon in the top right of the dashboard