📚Telegram & Web Setup

Access the platform for FREE! All swaps and snipes come with a 1% fee.

Getting Started

Access the new Multi-Chain Shuriken Telegram Bot here

💳 Wallet Setup

To create or import new wallets, use the /wallets command

⛓️ Select a Chain

💳 Creating Wallets

💳 Importing Wallets

Click Import Wallet to import wallets with a private key. Once you open the Import option, you'll be prompted to name your wallet. After, paste in your private key to complete the import process.

Click Export Wallet to display your wallet's private key for fast easy exporting to your wallet provider.

🗑️ Deleting Wallets

Click Delete Wallet to remove any imported or created wallets To remove a created wallet, select the wallet you want to delete and confirm once prompted.

Last updated