πŸ‘οΈAlpha Stream

Telegram and Discord credentials are stored exclusively in your browser. As such, for the Alpha Stream to operate, your browser must stay open to keep alive connections to Discord and/or Telegram.

Alpha Monitoring

With the Alpha Stream, users can monitor multiple sources of alpha at once. By syncing discord and telegram accounts to Shuriken, users can easily monitor an unlimited number of alpha groups all in one component.

In addition to easy alpha aggregation, Shuriken can auto detect when groups share contract addresses to tokens. This information is funneled into a summary at the top of the component, allowing for quick access to all contracts shared with total counts provided to inform users if a token is being shared in multiple groups.

Quick Sniping & Swapping from Alpha Stream

As Discord and Telegram groups you track share tokens, your summary at the top of the component will collect token addresses.

Each token tracked will have quick snipe and quick swap buttons available. By clicking these options, users can act on alpha as soon as its shared.

Disclaimer We do NOT support mirroring! Only telegram and discord servers you are a member of are supported in Alpha Stream.

Last updated