Position Management
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Last updated
In Shuriken, you can monitor and manage multiple positions at once whether you are using the Telegram bot or the Webapp.
Monitor and share your P&L across multiple tokens and multiple wallets
Quickly set advanced orders, sell initial investment, sell all tokens, or just sell a specific % of your bag with quick easy presets
Quickly toggle Antirug protection for any token holding
Positions are automatically sorted and categorized by chain. Chain categories will only show if you have a position open or tracked for that chain. Click the /Token name to open the trading panel for that token Each line shows valuable positions and token information. The icon indicates a profitable position and the indicates a loss. The info following the profit icon breaks down as follows: Profit % | Holding value in native token | Token MC Below your positions in each section is a break down of your holdings. 💳 Total Wallet(s) Balance: Total SOL balance across all of your created and imported wallets 💰 Active Holding Value: Total value of all of your positions in SOL 🏦 Net Worth: Total value of holdings and wallet balance combined
Ticker name is labeled on the left. Click the ticker to copy the token CA into your clipboard. Market Cap is updated live in a badge next to the ticker name.
Profit Badges are displayed on the far right of each position. The badge reflects your total average profits for each wallet that has entered and/or exited the position. Share profits with the button to the left of a profit badge. Either use or to save your custom profit card for easy sharing.
To the left of the button your total value of position holdings in ETH are displayed.
Click the button to see fast one-click selling options. Sell All will sell every token you hold from every wallet in Shuriken. Sell Initial will sell your initial buy or snipe value from all wallets.
Monitor and manage multiple wallets by clicking the button. Above the Quick Sell Table is the position's summary Unrealized: Current holdings in ETH Settled: Total sales in ETH Cost: Total buys in ETH
Click the connector button to load the selected token in synced components for connector 1 or connector 2.
: Navigate between positions
: Refresh position info
: Untrack on screen position from your position view